Feb 17, 2010

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Cable touch firmer post BOE minutes, jobs report


Cable has tacked on about 20 points after the release of the latest Bank of England minutes and the January jobs report. Well,  the sterling bulls got their 9-0 unanimous vote regarding decision to leave rates, QE on hold.  Has seemingly helped negate reaction to crappy jobless claims number. The minutes of ...

UK January jobless claims disappoint


Jobless claims +23,500 compared to median forecast of -10k, biggest rise since July 2009.  Ouch. Claimant count rate 5%, as expected.  ILO unemployment rate 7.8%, as expected.

MPC votes 9-0 to keep rates, QE on hold


MPC considered raising QE. "Very finely" balanced.

Cable bulls will be looking for


MPC to have voted 9-0 to leave rates, QE unchanged at last meeting.  No dissension please. (shame i can't bloody spell, that's better)  Or maybe if you're a sterling bear you'd like a bit of dissension. Whatever floats your boat.

EUR/USD rangey


EUR/USD sits at 1.3770, exactly where it was when I turned up 4 hours ago.  Euro bulls still struggling to take out 90/00 sell interest. Earlier Bank of Korea is said to have turned up as decent buyer down around 1.3738 session low.  Talk was that the Asian sovereign had intervened ...

Portuguese/German 10year government bond yield spread widens 14 bps on day to 136 bps


Not all sweetness and light, quite yet. EUR/USD marginally firmer on day at 1.3782, but so far struggling to take out aforementioned sell orders up at 1.3790/00.  Gabriel tells me it's only a matter of time. ;)

EUR/JPY seeing buy interest emerge on dips


EUR/JPY is doing a good job so far of holding onto recent gains. Sits presently at 124.25.  Talk of sell orders 124.40/50, stops just above there, and then Japanese exporter sell interest tipped around 125.00. Proximity of next week's Toshin launches will probably be lending support.  Obviously risk appetite has improved, which is the ...

USD/JPY steady; buy, sell, stop interest noted


USD/JPY sits at 90.20, pretty much where it closed out Tuesday in North America. Buy orders seen at 89.80/00, sell orders 90.40/50. Buy stops seen above 90.50.  Not sure where sell stops positioned, possibly through 89.50. Some attention on next week and lumpy Toshin launches between February 22-26.  Touted some JPY 9.3 ...

Cable holding onto bulk of recent gains


Cable sits at 1.5765, holding onto bulk of recent gains. News/data due. 09:30 GMT:  UK jobless claims for January expected -10k from previous -15.2k; claimant count rate unchanged at 5%; ILO unemployment rate unchanged at 7.8%; average earnings index plus bonus expected +1.2% 09:30 GMT:  Latest Bank of England minutes. Not too sure whether ...

EUR/USD opens unchanged after narrow rangebound trade in Asia


EUR/USD sits at 1.3770, where it closed out in North America Tuesday, with trading in Asia confined to narrow 1.3757-1.3781 range. Interesting, but not overly surprising, that recent Paris Match poll shows the French increasingly disenchanted with the euro. 69% of those polled say they regret the passing of the French ...

Asian FX market wrap: tight ranges again the order of the day


Well known RBA watcher sees up to 2% rate rise this year Japan's manufacturing mood at it's least bleak in 18 months Regional stockmarkets rise by 2% on average Gold flat on the session at $1119/oz It has been a totally listless session in the main, with most of the majors trading in 25 ...

In defence of Goldman Sachs


Not an overly popular position but this Reuters article takes the Goldman side in the currency swap saga.

Finally market starts moving again: EUR/JPY testing 124.50


Finally the hours of torpor seem to be over and the market has started to move again. EUR/JPY has popped up to 124.45, just below technical resistance and headed again in the direction of big stops above 125.00.

Goldman Sachs, Greece, fooled investors


It doesn't matter how you make the money, what matters is how much you make. Goldman Sachs look like they are again trying their best to drag the financial markets good name through the dirt, all in the name of a fast buck. Those interviewed in this Bloomberg report seem ...

No, your platform is not broken


I'm not sure if anything has traded at all in the last 2 hours. Absolute dead calm here in Asia. It's not that your platform is broken, it's just that nothing is moving.

FX market staying very quiet


The Chinese New Year celebrations are still ongoing and that is what we are blaming the lack of FX movement on. All of the majors are in 25 pip ranges or less. No major flows or news to report. Back to the sock drawer.

Cable technicals: 1.5840 next resistance


As you are probably aware, I am quite bullish on the cable but it dances to its own tune so we must be ready for all eventualities. The previous double bottom at 1.5830/45 is the next resistance level and if this holds then we might well see another sharp sell-off ...

Strong equity market gains unable to waken the FX market


The Nikkei is up 2.15% and both Sydney and Seoul are up around 1.5% but none of this is having any effect on the FX market. USD/JPY and EUR/USD have both had 17 pip ranges so far today, which is pretty pathetic considering the decent sized moves seen overnight. Time ...

RBA to raise rates by up to 2% this year


That is according to Terry McCrann who to be fair has been extremely accurate in his RBA predictions over the last few months. Greece and China remain the two most important global factors and what happens there will outweigh any local conditions.

EUR/JPY: gearing up for another 124.50/60 test


EUR/JPY usually holds the key to any big moves in Asia. The selling interest starting at 124.50ish seems to be quite solid but I also hear that the stops above 125 are quite large and that dealers will be aiming for them if we get anywhere close. Selling interest in ...

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