Feb 15, 2010

Daily Markets - Financial News And Opinions

Daily Markets - Financial News And Opinions

Asset Allocations - What I’ve Learned So Far

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 11:01 AM PST

I began my Asset Allocation exercise several months ago.  I wanted to learn to manage my money more effectively.  I looked into the asset classes that most people have available to them in their own retirement plans.  Retirement plans are where the bulk of investment takes place - it’s all I have right now.

I have to admit that I have not been 100% satisfied with this mutual fund methodology.  I believe there are more ETF’s that are specialized enough to give us more asset … [visit site to read more]

Greece, Dubai And The Threat Of Sovereign Collapse

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 11:00 AM PST

The Day of Reckoning is postponed, but not canceled. Markets in the US are closed today. Americans celebrate President's Day, on which Bill offers some musings below. Trading across much of Asia is closed, too. Investors in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia look to the heavens for guidance, wondering what the Lunar New Year will bring.
Elsewhere in Asia, investors took stock of more earthly goings on…and hit the "sell" button. Indexes fell in Bombay, Tokyo, Sydney and … [visit site to read more]

The Expanding Industry Of US Government

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:00 AM PST

No lobbyist left behind!
That's the new motto of the whole Washington establishment. Every spending bill has something in it for everybody.
Today is a holiday in America. It's "Presidents Day," a day set aside for Americans to honor those who rule over them. Most Americans think of Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt…but here at The Daily Reckoning we honor America's truly great presidents – William Henry Harrison, Chester Arthur and Warren Harding – those who didn't make things … [visit site to read more]

Presidents’ Day: Dollar ETFs, History And Retail Sales

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:01 AM PST

This weekend is President’s weekend, and besides giving many of us an extra day off, it is intended to commemorate our nation’s presidents, all of whom had a hand in creating the country in which we are living.

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were great men who made the United States what it is today.

Today, the February holiday has become well-known for being a day in which many stores, especially car dealers, have sales and clearances, says Wikipedia. But it’s much more than that. … [visit site to read more]

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