Feb 12, 2010

Daily Markets - Financial News And Opinions

Daily Markets - Financial News And Opinions

Eurozone Action On Greece Fails To Dispel Fears Of A Possible Default « Money Morning »

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 03:01 AM PST

European leaders said yesterday (Thursday) that they were prepared to take a “determined” action to stave off the worst crisis in the euro currency’s 11-year history. But their plan was short on details and is unlikely to totally dispel fears of a possible default by Greece.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said assistance for Greece would be forthcoming. But his speech lacked specifics about exactly what form that assistance would take and he offered no timeline for when aid for … [visit site to read more]

Forex Trading: Eurozone GDP & Industrial Production Weaker Than Expected « Greg Michalowski »

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 02:08 AM PST

Eurozone Flash GDP q/q came in at 0.1%, weaker than the 0.4% expected.
Industrial Production m/m came in at -1.7%, weaker than the 0.3% expected.
Weak numbers out of the Eurozone. Eur/Usd has come off 60 points, down to 1.3560 thus far on … [visit site to read more]

ProShares Adds Four New Triple ETF Pairs « Bill Luby »

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 01:39 AM PST

When Direxion launched the first batch of triple ETFs back in November 2008, I may have been the first person to openly champion them, even going way out on a limb with Prediction: Direxion Triple ETFs Will Revolutionize Day Trading.

Fifteen months later, triple ETFs have exploded in popularity, sometimes confounded investors and eventually prompted regulators to step in, with FINRA increasing margin requirements for triple ETFs on December 1, 2009.

Now it appears that triple ETFs … [visit site to read more]

Video: N.E. Winter Blizzard Costs Taxpayers « NYFP »

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 01:00 AM PST

The Blizzard of 2010 paralyzed U.S. cities in the Northeast, with record snowfalls in many areas. The cost of the cleanup is straining city budgets. … [visit site to read more]

Forget Greece - These Are Three Headwinds Ahead For Stock Markets « Andrew Mickey »

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 12:23 AM PST

The last few weeks have not been good for the markets.

If you’ve enjoyed the recent rally and, like we’ve urged, stopped arguing with the market and just rode it out for all its worth, you’ve been caught up a little in this correction.

The downturn was inevitable. We all knew it was going to come. And we wanted to prepare ourselves for the cost of riding out the rally.

But right now, the markets are acting like its 2008 all over again and investors and traders are running for the … [visit site to read more]

Shopping For Bargains At Ice Station Zebra « Adam Lass »

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 10:17 PM PST

I’m writing to you today from the arctic outpost that is Seven Oaks Farm.

Food is running low, and the men are starting to eye each other suspiciously.

In fact, I think Sanchez tried to eat Manfredi yesterday…

Snowmageddon 2010

Seriously, it’s getting a tad ridiculous out there. The snow is halfway up my front door - and I’ve shoveled it several times so my dog could get out. I can’t see my drive, let alone drive on it.

Yesterday, I finally shoveled out enough to get the 4×4 … [visit site to read more]

David Rosenberg: US 4th Quarter GDP Likely Revised Down To 5% « Larry Doyle »

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 09:21 PM PST

4th quarter 2009 GDP of 5.7% may have looked impressive on its face, but in peeling back the onion we learned that a large percentage of the growth was due to a slowing in inventory drawdowns rather than real growth. I highlighted as much on January 29th in writing,”Markets Fading the 4th Quarter GDP Report”:
The question for the economy, and in turn the markets, is to what degree the supposed growth embedded in the 4th quarter GDP is sustainable. To determine that, people need to … [visit site to read more]

Rydex Market Timers: Remain Bearish Heading Into Holiday Weekend « Guy Lerner »

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 09:08 PM PST

Figure 1 is a daily chart of the S&P500. The indicator in the lower panel measures the ratio of the amount of assets in the Rydex bullish and leveraged funds relative to those funds that are bearish and leveraged.

Figure 1. S&P500/ daily/ Rydex Bullish and Leveraged v. Bearish and Leveraged

The current value of the indicator stands at 0.90 suggesting that the Rydex market timers are bearish, and this is a bullish signal. See the recent strategy piece on how this signal is combined … [visit site to read more]

Forex Trading: Continuing Steep Uptrend In USD/CHF « James Chen »

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 08:21 PM PST

Price action on USD/CHF, a daily chart of which is shown, has been following a steep uptrend support line since the mid-January lows. Within this steep uptrend, the bearish corrections have been relatively shallow while the bullish trend moves have been relatively strong. Currently, price is in the process of recovering from a bearish correction, and appears poised to reach for a new 6-month high if the last high around 1.0817 is surpassed.

In this event, dynamic resistance immediately to … [visit site to read more]

Elizabeth Warren Calls For New Bank Stress Tests « Larry Doyle »

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 07:50 PM PST

The initial Bank Stress Tests run by Treasury Secretary Geithner were largely a sham. I questioned as much last April in writing, “Bank Stress Tests: Major Sham?”:
As with any test, the results are only meaningful if the process and proctor have unquestioned integrity. The proctors for the Bank Stress Test are none other than Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Fed chair Ben Bernanke. Why is a testing authority of the magnitude of FDIC, led by Sheila Bair, not more involved in the … [visit site to read more]

Video: The Day Ahead: U.S. Retail Sales « NYFP »

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 07:00 PM PST

The stories, data, and stocks that may have the greatest impact during the next trading session. … [visit site to read more]

Asia’s ETFs Staying Resilient As The West Still Struggles « Tom Lydon »

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 06:50 PM PST

Asia’s economies have remained more hardy than most as they’ve faced down a variety of economic challenges and kept debt low. Related exchange traded funds (ETFs) may offer this stability to your portfolio as well.

Western economies are still borrowing money and some (think Greece) are looking at international bailouts. The United States is running record deficits that some fear aren’t sustainable. Asia, however, has stayed conservative toward spending and borrowing since the financial … [visit site to read more]

Singapore Stock Market Update For Thursday 11 February « Vivien Chia »

Posted: 10 Feb 2010 06:21 PM PST

Morning Highlights
Singapore Stocks opened steady, with STI adding 11.81 points to 2746.20. Many investors are still cautiously watching for signs of European Union would move to address Greek debt troubles.
On the other hand, U.S. stocks fell for a second time this week on results on concern that the economic recovery may slow as the Federal Reserve withdraws stimulus measures.
New Trade Opportunity with China Hu An, To buy at 0.425, Stop Loss at 0.395 and Take Profit at 0.455 – … [visit site to read more]

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