Dec 6, 2010

Silver Breaks $30 Per Ounce!

Silver just broke $30 per ounce up 72% since NIA declared silver the best investment for the next decade less than one year ago at $17.40 per ounce!
The January $20 SLV call options that NIA suggested on February 8th at $0.93, reached a high today of $9.40 for a gain of over 910%!
Because options trading is very risky and it is important to take profits when you have them, NIA's President sold his call options on October 14th at $4.25 for a gain of 378% from his purchase price. He has, however, kept every single share of his favorite silver stock that NIA featured in an exclusive report on October 4th.
On October 4th, NIA released an exclusive report to a select few members about NIA's President's largest silver stock position. This stock reached a new 52-week high today for a gain of 182% from NIA's October 4th special report price.

One week ago, NIA released an exclusive report to a select few members about its top stock suggestions for 2011. This report includes NIA's top two silver stock suggestions for 2011.
One of these silver stock suggestions is up 12.4% today, making it the best performing silver stock of the day in the market. If you would like to find out how you can receive this new exclusive report, please visit: 
Tomorrow, NIA will be releasing an update to its unbiased review of the major online sellers of gold and silver bullion! Will Gainesville Coins remain #1? NIA will be adding a couple of new companies to the review. 
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